‘Satria’ and ‘Satrina’ are seen on the top of the Miri Indoor Stadium.
MIRI (Aug 21): A hornbill couple made a surprise appearance at the top of the Miri Indoor Stadium earlier today.
Dubbed ‘Satria’ and ‘Satrina’ by onlookers, the appearance of the pair around 8am attracted the attention of Malaysia Games (Sukma) officials and athletes, who flocked to capture their every move.
Many took the welcome sight as a sign of support for Sarawak’s silat athletes, who are competing in the quarter finals at the venue.
The hornbill is synonymous with Sarawak and is the mascot of the 21st Sukma.
The mascots named Satria and Satrina feature the colours of the Sarawak flag, which are red, yellow, and black.
Today’s silat competition began with the athletic category, involving Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, Class F, Class H, and Class Under 45 years old and below.
A total of 11 Sarawak silat athletes are competing in their respective categories.