Airien (centre) takes a group photo with Ding (left) and her mother at the Meradong service centre on July 9, 2024.


By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, July 10: A teenage girl, Airien Ken Ezza, in Meradong has finally received her Malaysian citizenship after waiting six excruciating years.

Meradong assemblyman Datuk Ding Kuong Hing said Airien’s application was made in 2018 and yesterday (July 9), the letter of approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs finally arrived.


“Without an identity document, it is very difficult to continue studying to a higher level or find a permanent job after completing secondary school studies,” he said when handing over the letter of approval to Airien at the Meradong service centre.

According to a news report by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas), Airien’s mother was grateful to Ding for never giving up on facilitating her daughter’s application.

Ding expressed his hopes that Airien will soon receive her identification card like any other Malaysian and enjoy its privileges in the near future. — DayakDaily