Keep public updated on urban transportation project: Lee

3 months ago 26

KUCHING: Transport Minister Datuk Seri Lee Kim Shin has called for strengthened collaboration among the various parties in the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) project.

During his recent visit to several key construction sites, Lee stressed the need for seamless teamwork to ensure the project’s timely completion.

The delegates and Sarawak Metro team in a group photo in front of the Red Line scale model.

“Sarawak Metro must monitor this project closely so that it can update on its progress continuously on a timely basis so that the public are kept abreast with its development,” Lee said in a press release issued today.

Accompanied by representatives from Sarawak Metro, the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC), and several state agencies, Lee toured the Rembus Depot, Sungai Kuap Bridge, and the Simpang Tiga Interchange station.

He urged Sarawak Metro to maintain consistent communication and updates on the project’s progress to keep the public informed.

“The KUTS project represents a transformative step for Kuching’s public transport. It is essential that all stakeholders work together to address challenges and ensure the project remains on schedule,” said Lee.

Phase 1 of the KUTS project, which features hydrogen-powered Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) vehicles, is expected to be completed by 2027.

The zero-emission transit system will include feeder buses to enhance connectivity, supporting Sarawak’s goal of decarbonizing public transportation.

Project director Zafrin Zakaria (right) briefs Lee (3rd right) on the project.
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