KPDN records 178 commercial, consumer cases in Sarawak this year to date

5 months ago 35

Matthew (front, right) and Tan jointly strike a gong to mark the launch of the programme in Miri.

MIRI (Aug 10): The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) recorded 178 cases of various offences related to commercial activities and consumerism in Sarawak, between Jan 1 this year and Aug 9.

Moreover, KPDN Sarawak director Matthew Dominic Barin said inspections had been carried out on 51,261 commercial premises throughout the state throughout the period under review.

“From the 178 cases, we issued compounds amounting to RM214,750, and recorded an estimated value of seizure (of goods) amounting to RM 17,556,752.75,” he said when officiating at Maggi’s ‘Jom Masak & Menang Bersama 2024’ programme in Emart Riam here today.

On a separate subject, Matthew said amidst the cost-of-living challenges in this digital and artificial intelligence (AI) era, the government through the KPDN had been functioning more proactively, based on four focus aspects: effective enforcement skills, boosting domestic economy, upholding consumers advocacy, and also identifying the current issues and challenges faced by the people regarding the increase in the cost of living and thus, making policies and decisions to address them via the National Action Council on Cost of Living (NACCOL).

“Under these four focuses, cooperation between the government, the industry players, the entrepreneurs and the consumers is forged, and various initiatives have been introduced as a manifestation of the government’s concern for the people, who are facing these current economic challenges,” he said.

Matthew also highlighted the ‘eight rights’ that all consumers should be aware of.

“The consumers have the right to get the basic needs; for example, the right to get adequate supply of food and clothing, the right to have shelter, as well as the right to access decent health, education and sanitation services.

“They also have the right to make choices over goods and services, and to obtain them at reasonable prices,” he added.

“The power of enforcement is also an important element in ensuring that consumer’s rights are protected from any element of fraud and injustice by unethical dealers,” he said further.

Also present at the event today were Maggi Malaysia and Singapore business executive officer Ivy Tan; Nestlé Malaysia general sales operation manager (Sarawak Region) Lee Tsuen Fua; and Emart Holdings Sdn Bhd Northern Sarawak Region head Ling Tien Beng.

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