Sagah: Sarawak ministry to discuss Gawai break under 2024/2025 Academic Calendar with federal counterparts

1 year ago 113

Dato Sri Roland Sagah Wee Inn

SERIAN (Nov 14): Sarawak’s Ministry for Education, Innovation and Talent Development will discuss the lack of a Gawai Dayak break under the school Academic Calendar for 2024/2025 with the federal Ministry of Education (MoE), said Minister Dato Sri Roland Sagah Wee Inn.

The calendar, which shows a term break from May 25 to June 2 next year, has caused dissatisfaction among members of the Dayak community for a lack of sensitivity towards the needs of students celebrating the occasion.

Sagah, who is Tarat assemblyman, said he would bring this up with the MoE.

“In the ordinary days, this may be true because there’s a lot of Dayak students coming from the rural areas – they need a number of days to go and return back to their respective schools.

“For next year, I’m not too sure because there are some who told me that June 3 (Monday) could be the Agong’s birthday. In that case, then the school session should start on June 4 (Tuesday).

“We have yet to see it (Academic Calendar for 2024/2025) but there’s no harm in bringing up this matter to our federal counterparts. MoE should be sensitive to this and respond positively,” he told reporters at an appreciation dinner in Siburan here last night.

Sagah said engagement between his ministry and its federal counterparts has been quite positive although there are many things that are “quite slow”.

Several Dayak community leaders have advocated for an extension of the school semester break in June next year to accommodate students celebrating Gawai.

On Saturday, Kapit District Council walikota Lating Minggang said the MoE’s calendar disregarded the significance of the celebration to the Dayak community.

He said it was disappointing that MoE did not consider in its planning the travelling time required by rural students for the celebration.

The Gawai Dayak public holidays, June 1-2, fall on a Saturday and Sunday next year.

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