Sarawak Metro apprentices complete Industrial Competency Development Programme

5 months ago 32

SEED Programme senior manager Idayati Alek (front fourth right) and Muslizam (front fifth right) are seen with Sarawak Metro apprentices and staff.

KUCHING (Oct 1): A total of 20 Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd (Sarawak Metro) apprentices have completed the Industrial Competency Development Programme (ICDP), involving three days of intensive training on railway systems.

Held on Sept 23-25, the training was organised by System Package 2 Contractor – DOM EEB Joint Venture International Sdn Bhd – in collaboration with Malaysia Rail Development Corporation (MRDC) as the training provider.

The ICDP training was to equip Sarawak Metro’s apprentices with crucial knowledge on railway systems.

As part of Sarawak Metro’s Socio-Economic Enhancement Development (SEED) Programme, an initiative under the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) project, the ICDP is yet another strategic effort to upskill local talent and support Sarawak’s journey towards modernising the public transport system.

MRDC director of Sustainable Rail & Talent Development Muslizam Musa facilitated the training on topics such as signalling, operations, power supply, Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) systems, as well as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

In addition to hands-on training, apprentices were assessed on the final day to evaluate their understanding and competency on the subject matter.

This assessment ensured that each participant is fully prepared to meet the operational and maintenance demands of the KUTS Project, emphasising the high standards that Sarawak Metro upholds in ensuring a capable workforce.

SEED Programme senior manager Idayati Alek presents a memento to Muslizam.

“The ICDP was specifically designed to address the technical and operational needs of the KUTS Project, ensuring that our public transport system is managed more efficiently and operates more smoothly,” said Sarawak Metro CEO Mazli Mustaffa in a statement.

“We are grateful to the organisers for their efforts in delivering such an impactful programme. This initiative is an essential step in building local expertise and ensuring the success of the KUTS project.”

Mazli said he hopes to see similar proactive approaches from contractors in future to ensure the success of the SEED Programme, an initiative introduced by Sarawak Metro to create a pool of skilled manpower for the public transport industry.

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