Senior citizens perish in fire in Lutong village

2 months ago 23

MIRI: Tragedy struck thismorning in Kampung Pangkalan Lutong when a fire ravaged a rented house, claiming the lives of an elderly couple.

The victims, identified as Jaimah Badar, 64, and Abdullah Nassa, 77, were found charred inside the bathroom of their home by firefighters after the blaze was extinguished.

Firemen and policemen carrying one of the bodies to a police vehicle.

The couple was discovered cuddled together.

Their next-door neighbour, Masnah Yakub, 55, who attempted to rescue them, sustained a hand injury due to the intensity of the fire.

Masnah recounted seeing plumes of smoke billowing from the house around 10.30 am and, despite her efforts, was unable to save the couple.

Jaimah and Abdullah had been living in the house for the past six months with their two children, aged 30 and 28, and a nine-year-old granddaughter.

At the time of the incident, only Jaimah and Abdullah were at home, as their daughters were at work and their granddaughter was at school.

Firemen from Lutong and Lopeng fire stations led by Henry Jugah, responded promptly after being alerted at 10.55 am and arriving at the scene by 11.04 am.

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