Sixth Customary School launched in Sabah

1 year ago 83

Benedict, Shalmon, Steven, Ruslan, and Tingkun during the launching of the Kampung Sayap Customary School.

KOTA KINABALU (Dec 3): The Sabah Customary Practitioners Association (Sunduan Nabalu) on Friday launched its sixth Customary School in Sabah.

Located at Kampung Sayap, Kota Belud, around 200 people had attended the school’s officiation which was launched through a symbolic of seven gong hits as well as the school’s plaque signing.

Sabah Native Affairs Council (MHEANS) president Tindarama Dr Benedict Topin who officiated the launching, praised Sunduan Nabalu’s unrelenting efforts in preserving the identity of each ethnic group in Sabah.

“The establishment of the sixth Customary School for the Tindal ethnic group is in line with the government’s hopes.

“I am currently looking for a way for the government to help these Customary Schools in the same vein as Chinese, Indian and Malay schools,” he said.

He also praised the Customary School’s initiative to hold its second Borneo Cultural and Traditional Education Carnival on March 18 to 19 next year at Marutai, Tawau.

Benedict said the carnival will elevate Borneo to a higher level considering it dignifies the background and knowledge of interrelated culture and customs.

Meanwhile, Sunduan Nabalu president Shalmon Sanangan said there are several more Customary Schools awaiting construction next year.

Shalmon said among the schools are in Kota Marudu for the Tobilung ethnic group, Tondig for the Tandek – Kimaragang ethnic group, and in Kobosoi for the Paluan ethnic group.

“Next year, we will also be holding our second Borneo Cultural and Traditional Education Carnival which is also known as the Customary School Jamboree.

“It will be the culmination of the preservation of Borneo culture and customs, where each Customary School in the provinces of Sabah, Sarawak and Kalimantan will be sending their representatives,” he said.

Also present were Sabah Bobolian Association president Tindarama Datuk Steven Beliku, Kota Belud District Officer cum Kampung Sayap Customary School advisor OKK Ruslan Durahman, and Kampung Sayap Customary School principal WKAN Tingkun Penimbol.

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