The Vision of Love: Seeing Beauty in Relationships

2 months ago 21

‘To love is to recognize the other as an incredibly unique being, one that millions of people have not had and will never have the opportunity to meet.’

– Argenis Angulo (1983 – Present).

Angulo is a communications professional with more than 20 years of experience as leadership facilitator in more than 65 countries.

He was World President of the largest leaders development organization on the planet, Junior Chamber International (JCI), with operations in more than 5,000 cities around the world.

After going the equivalent of more than 10 times around the planet training young people from all continents, today he serves in his country as Secretary of the Office of the Governor of Zulia state. He has become the world precursor and main promoter of the proposal for a Universal Declaration of Human Duties.

Vision of Love is a powerful concept that speaks to the beauty and importance of relationships in our lives. It is the ability to see our world through the lens of love, and to prioritize connection and understanding in our interactions with others. The vision of love transcends beyond mere romantic notions and encompasses the beauty of all relationships that we cultivate throughout our lives.

Having a vision of love can greatly impact the way we view and approach relationships. When we have a clear vision of what love means to us, we are more likely to seek out and prioritize relationships that align with that vision. This can help us avoid getting into relationships that are not healthy or not fulfilling for us.

Additionally, having a vision of love can help us set boundaries and expectations in relationships. When we know what we want and deserve in a relationship, we are more likely to communicate our needs and stand up for ourselves, in a loving way, when those needs are not being met.

Having a vision of love can also help us be more intentional and mindful in our relationships. We are more likely to choose partners who share our values and goals, and to commit wholeheartedly, willingly investing time and effort in building a strong, godly and healthy connection with them.

Having a vision of love can help us approach relationships with clarity, confidence, compassion and intention, ultimately leading to more fulfilling and meaningful connections with others. In essence, the vision of love is about seeing the beauty in every connection we make with others, whether it be in our relationship with God, friendships, family dynamics, and professional or neighbourly relationships.

Before we dwell deeper, let us explore the meaning of relationship. What is a ‘relationship’? As for what I have learned, relationships can be defined as how one is connected to another, usually referring to people. It is the state of being connected. They can take many forms, from relationships with God, and romance partnerships to friendships, family ties, and professional connections.

Relationships are important in every facet of our lives, from personal to professional, from social to spiritual contexts. In our personal lives, relationships bring us joy, companionship, and emotional support, especially during times of need.

For example, our relationship with God. It offers spiritual nourishment, moral guidance, strength in adversity, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. It brings profound outcomes that affect every aspect of our lives. Whereas family relationships shape our understanding of love and connection, providing us with a sense of security and belonging. In business, relationships are essential for networking, collaboration, and success. A strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and career advancements. In social contexts, relationships allow us to engage with others, form communities, and create a sense of belonging in the world.

To me, relationships are very essential to our well-being and happiness in every aspect of our lives. Relationships are an integral part of the human experience, allowing us to connect and thrive in the world around us. In our personal lives, they provide love, support, and companionship. They offer us a sense of belonging and connection, and they help us navigate the complexities of life with someone by our side.

15th April (Goof Friday): The writer with Mr Argenis Angulo, World President of the Junior Chamber International 2022 at St Joseph’s Cathederal, Kuching

From birth, we form relationships with our caregivers, siblings, and extended family members, shaping our understanding of love and connection. As we grow older, we seek out deeper relations like intimacy with God, friendships and romantic partnerships that may fulfil our spiritual and emotional needs and provide us with a sense of belonging and support.

In our professional lives, relationships are key to our success and satisfaction. They enable us to collaborate, communicate effectively, and build trust and rapport with colleagues and clients. In our families, relationships are the foundation of our identity and sense of belonging. They provide love, support, and a sense of security that is vital to our emotional well-being.

In a social context, relationships are what hold communities and societies together. They are what enable us to build trust, empathy, and understanding across differences. They are what allow us to work together towards common faith, common values, and common goals, to support one another in times of need, and to celebrate and enjoy life together. In times of crisis or conflict, it is our relationships that sustain us, that provide comfort, direction and strength when we need them most.

A powerful message regarding relationships that I have learned is that they require constant effort, communication, conversation, and understanding to journey forward.

The vision of love in relationships is about seeing the beauty in every interaction we have with others, even during challenging times. When we approach our relationships with compassion, empathy, patience, and love, we create a space for growth… growth in love, joy, and hope through understanding and forgiveness. Regardless of the nature of any good relationship, LOVE is at the heart of it.

So, what is ‘love’? Love is God. God is Love. This is basic to human existence. And it plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of our relationships. Love is the driving force behind our relationships, imbuing them with passion, empathy, and understanding. Love is not just a feeling but a choice we make every day to show care, respect, and compassion towards God and others. When we approach our relationships with love at the forefront, we create an environment of faith, trust and mutual respect that fosters growth and connection.

To me, love and relationships always go hand in hand, forming the foundation of our godly social interactions and personal connections. Love and relationships are intertwined.

Love is the foundation upon which healthy and fulfilling relationships are built. It is what sustains us through the ups and downs of life, what helps us navigate conflict and challenges, and what brings joy and fulfilment to our lives.

Love is what enables us to see beyond ourselves, to prioritize the well-being and happiness of the beloved, and to cultivate deep and meaningful connections. Love is what binds us together, what motivates us to care for one another, to support each other, and to grow together.

One quote that comes to mind when reflecting on the vision of love in relationships is “Love is not about finding the right person but creating the right relationship. It is not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.” This common quote beautifully encapsulates the essence of the vision of love in relationships. It emphasizes the importance of building and nurturing relationships over time, rather than focusing solely on finding the perfect partner. It shows that love is a journey of growth and discovery, where we learn to navigate the complexities of human connections with patience, compassion, and understanding.

A related quote that speaks of the Vision of Love is “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” This quote from 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 captures the essence of love as selfless, kind, and enduring. It speaks of the importance of love in relationships, and the qualities that enable us to see beauty in our connections with others.

Dear readers, the vision of love in relationships is about seeing the beauty in every connection we make with others. Love and relationships are essential components of our lives, providing us with joy, support, confidence and fulfilment.

As we conclude “The Vision of Love”, let us reflect on L.O.V.E. It means Living Our Values every day. Together, let us embrace love through the senses of life. Let us therefore… Listen with intent, Observe with empathy, Value each moment and Embrace with an open heart.

Next week, join me for “The Sound of Friendship” as we explore the symphony of connections that enrich our lives. Let us celebrate the music of love, the harmony of unity, and the rhythm of tranquillity, all defining true friendship. Let us “stay connected” for a journey of cherishing LOVE that brings light and warmth into the world of WE.

The views expressed here are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the New Sarawak Tribune.

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