Untameable human nature

3 months ago 23

The mental process is the product of a brain shaped by the hammer of natural selection upon the anvil of nature.
– Edward O. Wilson, American natural scientist

A serial killer pleaded in open court that there is no cure for human nature; and that he is by nature a violent person given to uncontrollable impulses for killing, and in mitigation blamed human nature as the recidivist culprit.

Diehard and career politicians admit to their faithful sheeple that they are by nature called to “serve the people”, and that they have to ceremoniously answer the call of nature – pun and syntax notwithstanding.

Politics and politicians rely on untameable human nature as an escape strategy for all the good, bad, corrupt and ugly that become government policies. No rehearsals necessary. The rule of law is incarcerated in jurisprudential darkness.

Whether human nature is controlled with and by a strong mind, or vice versa, continues to haunt psychologists, psychiatrists, logical people, emotional people and a segregated breed of crooked politicians.

Dale Carnegie on human nature: “Humanity dreams of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are physically blooming outside our windows.” Madani must listen.

Mystics may be able to provide an arcane cure for human nature as they are concerned with the here-and-now seldom bothering with the hereafter where human nature is not on the scorecard.

Concepts of abstract political theory and ideal democracy articulated by 18th century political thinkers continue to influence 21st century minds as “shadowy authority in a hypothetical universe”, observed Graham Wallace (Human Nature in Politics, 3rd edition).

Malaysian democracy diplomatically and unnecessarily, accepted the Westminster model of government. We come from a long tradition of “Kerajaan”, or the state of having a Raja (Ruler), but imported European human nature tries to dictate otherwise.

This unwelcome imported human nature failed to sprout roots in our shores in restraining the monarchy. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is aided by convention, custom and the Federal Constitution to employ discretion (royal prerogative) when encountering prime ministerial advice.

Mass exhibitions of human nature force Malaysians to struggle with the constant barrage of hate by irresponsible politicians who need an Article 48 (1)(a) Federal Constitution mental evaluation.

In recent restless outbursts of nationalistic passions to celebrate National Day, our leaders’ human nature called for an end to hate speech and a robust nourishing of Muhibbah notwithstanding constitutional misinterpretations of equality, freedom of religion and free speech.

We must celebrate Rational Day – everyday – for human nature to harness and sharpen the restless mind. The incorrigible MESS (Mass Education Sullied System) is still Public Enemy Number One enjoying the whole gamut and gambit of guilt, blame and fault.

Helotism (deprivation of property) has caused imported human nature to promulgate land laws much to the detriment of adat, especially pemakai menoa. Usucapion (Latin: ownership due to lengthened possession), never mentioned in any decided case in Malaysia, found dutiful reference in section 65 of the Land Ordinance 1930 (Cap.68).

“The High Court below and this court do not assume to have the power to change, modify or alter the Native Customary Law of Sarawak; nor do we have any intention of doing so. . .” reportedly declared by Abdul Wahab Patail JCA, in Director of Forests v TR Sandah Tabau & Ors [2014] 1 MLJ 101, at 183 para 42).

Imported human nature begat the predatory PDA1974, and Petronas, to advance, promote and justify helotism. Petros sought safe sanctuary in the rule of law. But politics and politicians will ultimately decide. The law meanwhile stands aside with arms behind its back waiting to be summoned once the handcuffs come off.

Some man-made criminal laws do away with the need to prove mens rea (guilty mind). They are labelled ‘strict liability laws’ usually applied to speeding and drink-driving offences as if the guilty mind doesn’t factor in. The prosecution wants you guilty and punished before trial, error and terror.

The Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (Act 671) is a pathetic potpourri of suspect human nature in lethargic legislation. For example, “insider trading” is egregiously not defined except when the prosecution flips the coin and calls ‘heads’ on a coin with heads etched on both sides. This is not an untested legal theory.

Gazan refugees in Malaysia may be an exhibition of empathetic human nature, but PMX must explain to Malaysians that offering humanitarian assistance is justified for oppressed Palestinians whose usucapion lands fell prey to returning European Jews aided by Western speed, need and greed in 1947.

Reports say Malaysia is not party to the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol, and there is no legislative or administrative framework to address refugee issues. But, politics rules and reigns.

Political observers and analysts report that 71 per cent of Israelis demand their prime minister’s resignation. And here is human nature doing its legendary flip-flop while 68 per cent of Israelis want the Netanyahu government to starve out Gaza by making sure all supply lines are severed!

Human nature remains the most unspoken, best expressed, least discussed, seldom debated, and a paradoxically inhuman phenomenon. Freud and Jung offered no clues as to how to put this jinn back in the bottle.

Untameable human nature in heterogeneous Malaysia is threatening palpable peace, progress and partnership. Meanwhile our leaders rely on the dead cat strategy with alarming success.

The views expressed here are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the views of Sarawak Tribune.

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