Works to turn building into meeting room, store at Passai Sibu longhouse completed

2 months ago 17

Lau and others outside the newly upgraded storeroom and meeting room of Rumah Raymond Sebastian JKKK.

SIBU (Oct 31): The repair and upgrading works to convert a building into a meeting room and store for the village security and development committee (JKKK) of Rumah Raymond Sebastian at Passai Sibu are now completed.

Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Bawang Assan Community Development Team leader Cr Kevin Lau said the project was done under the Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) at a cost of RM50,000, with the Public Works Department as implementing agency.

“During our last visit to the longhouse in May this year, Tuai Rumah Raymond did mention to me that the building needed repair.

“Previously, the building which was located outside the longhouse was in a very poor condition. Every time it rained, things stored inside would get wet.

“So, they sought our help, and we managed to get RM50,000 RTP funds to repair and upgrade the building. Now, the upgraded building is a storeroom and a meeting room,” he said during his visit to the longhouse yesterday.

He also said the old structure was a bit tilted which caused safety issues.

Thus, a portion of the fund was used for structure repair and the rest of the fund was used to improve the condition of the store and for putting up a small meeting room for the JKKK.

The upgrading works started on Aug 29 and were completed on Oct 28 this year.

“We hope that with this upgraded building, they do not have to worry about the condition of the things they store inside the storeroom and the JKKK will have a better environment to have meetings,” he said.

Besides that, he added, it can be used as a gathering place for the JKKK members.

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