Workshop enhances appreciation of Rukun Negara

3 months ago 24

KUCHING: A total of 186 youths participated in the Sarawak Zone Rukun Negara Youth Tour which lasted for two days from Oct 5 to 6, at the Penview Hotel here, today.

The programme was held to improve literacy, understanding and appreciation of the Rukun Negara culture in everyday life.

In addition, it aims to sprout ideas, philosophies and understanding related to the Rukun Negara appreciation agenda as a unifying agent, especially among the youth and students.

The programme organised by the Ministry of National Unity in collaboration with IKRAM Malaysia involves working youth aged 18 to 30, higher education institute (IPT) students and form 6 students from nine schools here.

The participants enjoy being involved in the activities held in conjunction with the Rukun Negara Youth Tour.

The tour features four modules, namely ‘Why & Why’, ‘Embracing Diversity’, ‘Deep Understanding of Rukun Negara’ and ‘Building Identity & Human Values’.

Each element has its own objectives such as strengthening unity and integration, understanding the basic values ​​and principles of the country and shaping the country’s future vision for the first module.

The second module emphasises understanding and knowledge about Malaysian life and uniqueness, understanding togetherness in diversity and understanding the basic concept of unity.

For the next module, the programme highlights the understanding of the elements in the Rukun Negara, raising awareness through cooperation and leadership to achieve the aspirations of the Rukun Negara, giving awareness of the importance of the rule of law and strengthening national identity and unity.

The last module applies the Rukun Negara in identity building, approaching the youth in appreciating the Rukun Negara as well as raising the awareness of the participants about their role in enlivening the Rukun Negara in the community.

Meanwhile, Sarawak is the first zone for organising the programme this year, followed by Selangor, Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur on Oct 26 and 27 this year.

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