Yes to glow-in-the-dark road markings

1 year ago 75

MIRI: Most motorists in the rural areas here praised and expressed hope that the pilot project of installing “Glow-in-the-dark” or luminescent road paint which has been carried out in Semenyih, Hulu Langat, Selangor can also be expanded to Sarawak.

On November this year, Hulu Langat Public Works Department (PWD) carried out the pilot project on covering a length of 245 metres with 490 metres of road markings at the intersection of Jalan Sungai Lalang, Mile 19 and Jalan Sungai Tekali Mile 16 Semenyih.

Members of the public met by New Sarawak Tribune are optimistic that a similar pilot project will be implemented in the state.   

Spanski Steven

Chairman of Kelab Belia Kampung Uma Akeh (KEBUMA) or Malaysian Youth Member of Parliament 

Yes, I definitely agreed with this initiative, because it is cost efficient and is harmless, compared to the present method, which for me are more hazardous to motorists and their vehicles. For those in the rural areas, this initiative is good because most of the roads from Miri to Long Lama and to Long Bedian have no roads surface markings and at some areas these markings are not visible.

Stephen Avun Jau


It is definitely a good initiative and I do hope that they can expand it to Sarawak especially in the rural area of Baram. For those who frequently commute from Miri to Lapok, because of the rough road conditions, and at some areas, road marking hardly can be seen especially at night, the glow-in-the -dark paint is definately a ‘yes’ for our convenience.

Andy Jong

President of Lions Club Batu Niah 

The initiative brings a lot of benefits to motorists, especially travelling at night, and driving in heavy rain. With this luminescent road paint, it helps to prevent road accidents. At areas where there are no lamp posts, it certainly helps.

Liong Chai Ling

Private sector employee

I hope they do similar projects in Sarawak to provide guidance for motorists travelling at night or during heavy rain. Some areas might don’t have proper street lamps which limit motorists visibility.

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